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Mutant X

Mutant X - TV Series (2001-2004)

Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi

60 min Canada, USA (English)
Starring Victoria Pratt, Forbes March, Victor Webster, John Shea, Lauren Lee Smith, Tom McCamus, Karen Cliche, George Buza, Andrew Gillies, Michael Easton, James Binkley, Jeff Seymour, Douglas O'Keeffe, Ted Wh
Summary: A secret government project to create genetic mutants results in them being released into the general population. One of the scientists responsible, Adam, has sworn to try and help them, while his co-partner, Mason Eckhart, plans on using the project for his own ends. Adam assembles four mutants and forms the group "Mutant X" to help mutants everywhere, and oppose Eckhart.
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