Free Discussion

Free Discussion (2000)
M-- V-- A--
32 minutes ago
Nick-Adventure , , United States
@raf - until then, rt mouse click, open link in new window (or tab)
M-- V-- A--
14 hours ago
SUP raf696 49, M, Poland
Hey guys. I have a small suggestion.
In the "comment" section. Would it be possible to add underneath the photo, an IMDB, and WSM movie rating? I often get movies from the "comment" section, but often there could be just one, or two comments, which is hardly enough to make a decision if you want to watch it. That way, clicking on the IMDB logo it would open their site, where you could get more info.

I know you might as well click on the movie and from there you could go to IMDB site, but the problem is when you click on the title, to get to the movie, then when you go back, it doesn't put you at the same place where you were, but it goes almost all the way up, and you have to keep scrolling down again, trying to find the title where you left off.

I don't think it would have been much work, since you already have those links set up, so you can just post them underneath it.
What do ya think?
(BTW still can't delete posts)
M-- V-- A--
Nick-Adventure , , United States
The screen-pops are still coming on far too often in the USA.
And considering that my wife is often right next to me when I'm browsing WatchSoMuch, it would be greatly appreciated if you didn't redirect/pop porn pages.
I get the need for revenue, but it's a bit over the top.
M-- V-- A--
last month
VIP jim2100 65, M, United States
Thanks Nick-Adventure
But I was actually looking for a way to see why it was down.
M-- V-- A--
last month
VIP jim2100 65, M, United States
I’m wondering if there is a way to check the status of the site when it goes down like it did today?
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